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WARNING: This product contains nicotine. Nicotine is an addictive chemical. Only for adults,
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Time:2018-01-08 Views:444
There are a number of different ways to quit smoking: cold turkey, nicotine replacement therapies, other stop smoking medications, or vaping. No vaping device has yet been approved as an official stop-smoking medicine, but it is a much less harmful way of delivering nicotine than burning tobacco. Vaping has helped many people quit smoking and is a legitimate way to become smokefree.
Cold turkey is when you suddenly stop smoking without any support. It can work for some people, but for others it’s really hard physically because of the withdrawal symptoms from nicotine, and socially because of trying to avoid tempting situations. It’s also got pretty low success rates.
Almost half who try to quit without support will not manage to stop for even a week, and fewer than five per cent remain abstinent at one year after quitting.
Nicotine replacement therapy (NRT)
The nicotine you usually get from cigarettes can be replaced via nicotine patches, gum, lozenges, inhaler, or mouth spray. These products are ways of getting nicotine without smoking, and are available from your doctor, pharmacy, Quitline, your local stop smoking service, and supermarkets.
NRT products replace some of the nicotine that you would have otherwise got from smoking, making quitting easier. However it’s not a magic cure.
Getting some additional support from a stop smoking service can really increase your chances of stopping smoking for good.
Behavioural support and medications such as nicotine patches or gum increase the chances of [successfully] quitting, but even with this additional support long-term quit rates remain low.
Other medicines
Varenicline (Champix, now Varenicline Pfizer)
Bupropion (Zyban)
Nortriptyline (Norpress)
These medicines are not NRTs. However they all work to help lessen the severity of nicotine withdrawal symptoms, making quitting easier. However they are not a magic cure.
Getting some additional support from a stop smoking service can really increase your chances of stopping smoking for good.
The habit of smoking can be one of the hardest things to change. That’s why some people prefer vaping to quit. You get to keep your routine, like ciggie breaks and socialising.
Vaping is about more than nicotine. When you’ve been smoking a while, it’s become part of your life. Vaping lets you keep your routine and the nicotine, without as many harmful toxins that come from burning tobacco.
You should aim to stop smoking completely, rather than smoke and vape, as even one cigarette a day can cause damage.
There are a lot of stories of people using vaping to quit smoking. There are also a couple of published studies about its effectiveness. But as vaping is relatively new there aren’t a lot of trials over long periods of time.
A recent study shows that vaping is almost twice as effective as NRTs in helping smokers quit. A clinical trial in the UK compared 886 people trying NRTs vs vaping. They were given three months of product and four weeks of support from a quit coach, then left to keep going.
A year later, 10% of the NRT group were still non-smokers, and 18% of the vaping group were still non-smokers. That’s almost twice as effective.
If you are vaping, you should have a long-term goal to quit vaping too. Don’t rush though. Stay on the vape for as long as you need to stay off the smokes.
When you feel sure you won’t go back to smoking, you can taper off vaping in order to achieve your next goal of being smokefree and vape free by:
reducing the strength of your nicotine
changing your habits.
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